Selasa, 13 September 2011

Steak and Noodle Menu Mainstay

Now enjoy a steak with an international flavor to the hotel no longer need or which of course starred restaurant was expensive. Simply come to the Restaurant De Kitchen, on the ground floor of the Sun Mall. So a steak meal with a very, very affordable too can enjoy.
According to the owner and manager of De Kitchen, Dedi Effendy, the concept of this restaurant is modern and unique. Starting from the menu that is served up to the restaurant interior design.
Problem menu, De Kitchen serves Europe, Asia, to the archipelago. And as a menu mainstay is the Sirloin Steak.
Unlike most restaurants in New York City which is a franchise, De Kitchen is a "pure" local restaurants.
"All the menus are presented is my own work. Like steak and noodles of our own making," said the man is already 20 years into the world of hotel and restaurant.
The name is taken from the initials of De Kitchen namely De Dedi. While the kitchen means the kitchen, the kitchen is meant mall.
"So De Kitchen is a kitchen mall sun. Because only De Kitchen which provides a universal food that anyone could eat," said the man from Bandung who have pocketed this Pontianak ID card.
Met at the sidelines of the grand opening on Thursday (28 / 7) yesterday, Smith adds, De Kitchen is a public restaurant with high taste. De Kitchen is a special steak menu is made from imported meat, but the price is very affordable.
"To enjoy steak just enough to pay Rp 30 thousand. Very, very cheap and affordable," promo. Special welcome fasting, De Kitchen also provides a package breaking.
For a month already operational, Smith acknowledged the community is very accepting and interest is high enough. Target market is all circles. He is also targeting the existing tenants in the Sun Mall.
"Hope we have the opportunity to stand together, can be known, and this progress can be enjoyed by all employees. We want to develop further," said Dedi. In the future also in the development plan in Sintang even abroad in Singapore.
On the occasion grand opening, Smith also gave assistance to the duafa through Wallets Ummah.
Sources: Daily Equator

Iga Bakar taste in Indonesia

Eating with the family is the best choice on Saturday night. Of course choice menu becomes the focus. Then, choose the chef Arif Friatna Iga Bakar (grill ribs) ala Mercure Hotel.

"It's really brave. Not only when cooking, from the initial process has been robust in flavor. Indonesian cuisine is essentially in the seasoning, "said Arif, 35, who has crossed the five-star hotel se in the number of the archipelago.

Interestingly, prime rib seasoning imported from Australia with Indonesia in the hands of a basic Arif was indeed western cuisine chef, makes us more familiar tongue. "Seasoning red base Indonesia's tastes," said Arif offers consumers a bold spicy.

Before the fire (grill) spices such as lemongrass, nutmeg, onion, garlic and red pepper, and the others are dilumurkan that seep into the meat. This is typical of the red spice Indonesia, so it's not more to the style barbecue of grilled meat western tastes.

When the ribs were burned, along with the fat cow that expands biodegradable spread aroma. "It's different with konro," said Arif. Bake with indirect fire is better because fats and oils are not included in the meat, but dripping out.

Imports of meat and spice aroma Indonesia feels stimulate hunger. It is up to serve with rice or potatoes. But it's grilled ribs from the restaurant kitchen Mercure be tested because of the typical taste. (*)

Sources: Daily Equator

Grouper Acid Spicy Sauce

Hot weather delicious eating fish, of course. But not just any fish that are served restaurant kitchen chef Hotel Mercury, Friatna Arif, who found the recipe tastes Pontianak. The material is also of the waters of West Kalimantan, it is tasty grouper.

But do not imagine that berkuah acid is typically spicy. This is, Kerapu Acid Spicy Sauce. So, savory fried grouper fan then doused with spicy sour sauce, wuiihh ... makjreng!

Enjoy the spicy chili Pontianak, plus galangal and lemongrass finely sliced ​​sauteed with garlic, savory aroma. "This new recipe I created in Pontianak," said Arif for fans sour and spicy sensations.

An interesting sensation, there are tastes of Thailand adoption of lemongrass and ginger flavor with a bold acid from Tabasco. Arif prefer fresh grouper instead of carp. "Why is grouper, because if it was mostly carp. More fatty marine fish, "said Arif to the Equator as frying fish.

Grouper size of about 7 ounces of flour fried in thin. Crisp enough to yellowish, and its tail can be chewed like crackers. After that just doused with boiling sauce to spread the scent that evokes the tastes and hunger. Above it is also sown with sliced ​​celery and scallions.

Served with hot rice, can be combined with vegetables according to your preferences. But, it's better to try a restaurant Hotel Mercure to prove it. (*)

(Source Daily Equator)

CPO prices Melorot, 2012 Oil Export Tax Will Go Down

Jakarta - State revenue from the sector of export taxes or duties out of 2012 expected to decline as projected melorotnya prices of crude palm oil or crude palm oil (CPO) of the world.
Although the actual projections about the price of CPO is often missed because it is difficult to guess, for this calculation CPO export tax in a progressive manner.
Fiscal Policy (BKF) Ministry of Finance project, the average amount of duties out of CPO in 2012 will only reach 15%. This is down when compared to the tariffs which came out in 2011 in the range of 15-25%.
According to the Acting Head of Fiscal Policy Bambang Brodjonegoro, in this year's CPO prices have declined from U.S. $ 1.295/MT-US $ 1.089/MT to U.S. $ 1,000-US $ 1,050 which is expected to occur in the coming year.
"CPO price assumptions CIF Rotterdam in 2012 estimated U.S. $ 1,036, the reference price in the range of U.S. $ 1,000-US $ 1,050. It is estimated that in 2012 Bea hence declining CPO prices also dropped out, "said Bambang in a hearing with the House of Representatives in Jakarta on Monday (12 / 9).
From earlier calculations, Bambang added, expected revenues from the customs exit sector reached Rp 18.9 trillion. The amount is far declined when compared to the target exit customs receipts in 2011 amounting to Rp 25.4 trillion.
Especially for the acceptance of palm oil products out of customs, in 2012 is estimated at Rp 12.6 trillion. While for CPO derivative products (downstream) exit fees being charged at 6% with a revenue target of Rp 5.2 trillion.
"The policy of BK is also a policy instrument to control domestic prices for certain commodities, especially for the CPO and its derivatives as well as protect the downstream industry pricing and tariffs so that BK is not prioritized for acceptance," he explained.
Meanwhile, Indonesian Oil Palm Growers Association to assess the government really does not side with the farmers which is marked by the re-imposition of export tax for crude palm oil all products.
DPP Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Growers Association (Apkasindo), Anizar Simanjuntak asserted, CPO export tax-related, farmers are not cared for, even with the added burden of the tax imposed for a variety of derivative products such as palm kernel meal and crude palm kernel oil as of September 16.
Just as progressive policy CPO PE, PE to other derivative types has also been detrimental to farmers because employers certainly are also believed to directly cut back the purchase price palm fruit bunches (FFB) farmers.
Farmers immediately felt a loss because most of the land of palm oil in Indonesia's farmers. "So whatever the government policy on oil would be directly felt the impact of farmers," he said.
Apkasindo increasingly objected to the imposition of PE because of the money from the tax is also not enjoyed by farmers. Because, as long as farmers are still allowed to develop its own oil.
"If there is any program which is said to help farmers such as the revitalization of plantations would not work because in fact the program was also weighing on farmers as a matter of certification of the land," he said.
Government plans to make PE of other derivative products, today are directly perceived farmers and entrepreneurs.
TBS depressed prices farmers began to live again Rp1.150 per kg from about Rp1.300 per kg, due to the entrepreneur to "wait and see" in the transaction, the reasons have not been able to determine export prices will follow the enactment of PE.
The government itself does not have accurate data that the PE policy is proven to increase the downstream oil industry in the country. "What about downstream oil industry would develop in the country, the infrastructure alone can not be met during this pemerintah.Padahal PE CPO should be enough to help fix people's oil palm plantation and infrastructure in the region and to develop downstream industries," he said.
Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) of North Sumatra, Balaman Tarigan, acknowledged Gapki in the central and local governments continue to request that CPO PE reduced or even eliminated at least there is no guarantee that the funds were returned to persawitan interests in the country.
(Economic Daily Sources SHEETS)

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Asal Kabupaten Landak

Kabupaten Landak adalah salah satu Daerah Tingkat II di provinsi Kalimantan Barat yang terbentuk dari hasil pemekaran Kabupaten Pontianak tahun 1999. Ibu kota kabupaten ini terletak di Ngabang. Memiliki luas wilayah 9.909,10 km² dan berpenduduk sebesar 282.026 jiwa. Landak terbagi menjadi 10 kecamatan dengan 174 desa dan 6 desa diantaranya termasuk desa tertinggal.[2]

Kabupaten Landak adalah salah satu kabupaten yang boleh dikatakan maju dari segi pembangunan, pendidikan dan perekonomian serta keamanan. Landak berasal dari Bahasa Belanda yang terbagi menjadi dua suku kata Lan dan Dak, LAN artinya Pulau dan DAK artinya Dayak, oleh sebab itu mayoritas penduduk aslinya adalah Suku Dayak. Mengapa dikatakan demikan bukti konkritnya adalah masih adanya peninggalan rumah Panjang/Betang di Kabupaten Landak sampai saat ini, tepatnya terletak di Desa Saham, Kecamatan Sengah Temila


Berdasarkan catatan sejarah bahwa kata "Dayak" ditulis oleh para penulis Belanda zaman itu dalam bentuk "Dyak" atau "Dyaker". Sementara kata "Land" berarti "tanah". "Land-Dyak" sebenarnya bermakna "Tanah Dayak" yang kemudian diubah menjadi "Landak". Kabupaten Landak ini sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan binatang bernama landak.

Menurut Staatsblad van Nederlandisch Indië tahun 1849, wilayah ini termasuk dalam wester-afdeeling berdasarkan Bêsluit van den Minister van Staat, Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indie, pada 27 Agustus 1849, No.8
sumber : Dinas kabupaten landak

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Easy Tips and Tricks for Cutting Your Own Bangs

Sometimes we are lazy to go to a salon only to cut or straighten bangs. Instead of wasting money, better cut your own bangs. But remember, must not cut. Bangs the wrong form will actually screw up your overall appearance. Better to follow the tips below.

 1. First separate all your bangs of hair, so that no one piece. You can separate them with a comb form whatsoever.

 2. You can cut the bangs in a state of wet or dry hair. However, if you choose to do it in a state of wet hair, do not forget to cut it much longer than the intended results. Because in the dry state, the hair will grow so it looks shorter.

 3. Twist your bangs and put in the middle of the forehead. This will make the long bangs evenly by itself. Fringe at the edge of the forehead by itself will have a size longer than the middle, so the result looks natural.

 4. To see the shape of a perfect bangs, try to dry your hair with hair dryer machine. If the result is less than the maximum, you can tidy it up again by repeating the steps above.

 Good luck!

Sumber : Yahoo

6 How to Quickly and Easily Overcome puffy eyes

When out stay up till morning, or the flu attack, or even after crying all night, you'll usually get up early with the circumstances surrounding the eyes look swollen. How do I fix this?

 Puffy eyes usually want to cover not only for cosmetic reasons, but also so that no one knows if you've been crying last night. But by the time that only a few minutes before leaving for work or to school, how do I eliminate it?

1. Ice cube
 This is the classic way that has often been used a lot of women: compress with ice cubes. However, to speed up the process, heed to rinse your face with cold water while bathing. No ice? Just put the spoon into the refrigerator. Once cool, spoon into the kompreskan around the eyes to swell.

2. Teabags
 Take two tea bags bag, dip in hot water, then remove from heat. Once warmed up, kompreskan to the eyelids, cover with a cloth for 5-10 minutes. Use green tea or black tea, because caffeine content in it to help reduce swelling.

3. Cucumber
 Cucumber is not only good for health, but also for puffy eyes, because the content of astringent in it to help refresh the eyes are swollen. Refrigerate two slices of cucumber in the fridge, kompreskan on eyelids for about 10 minutes.

4. Potato
 For hundreds of years, Europeans trust the potato as a reliever of headaches, aches, and various irritants. For puffy eyes, fresh peeled potatoes, washed, dried, and finely grated. Wrap the grated potatoes with a cloth, then kompreskan on the eyes.

5. Salt
 When your eyes are puffy, consume foods that contain salt will only make it worse. To cure puffy eyes, mix a half teaspoon of salt in a quart of water. Dip the cotton into this mixture, then kompreskan to the eye.

6. Drinking water
 Many drinks are not going to instantly deflate puffy eyes, but this will speed up the process. Throughout the day many-many drinking water, and to temporarily avoid coffee, sodas, and sugary drinks.

Various Recipes Beautiful Available in Your Kitchen

Do not like to cook and rarely to the kitchen? Maybe after you read this, you will change your mind. Because many objects in your kitchen that could actually make us beautiful. What?

1. Cucumber
 Cucumber juices are excellent for you who have a toner for oily skin. Or, mix with milk, and make facial cleansers.

2. Honey
 In addition to killing germs, honey we can also mix it with lotion or liquid soap to make the skin become ekstrahalus. Mix honey with milk, be a lotion that will make our skin glow.

3. Cabbage
 Confused with acne who always appears on the face? Play it to the kitchen, grab a cabbage, mashed, and make the mask on the acne. The content of amino acids and vitamin C can help rid of acne.

4. Garlic
 Puree the garlic, rub the juice into the face for 5 minutes, and a pimply face will no longer be a problem. But remember, do not just let stand 5 minutes alone in the face, because if too long, the face will feel the heat,

 5. Lemon and egg white
 Combine these two ingredients and make a face mask. Lemon is good for you who have oily skin, and egg white serves to tighten the skin and shrink pores.

 6. carrots
 If coolie
 You are "decorated" stain and black spots, use a carrot to overcome them. Puree carrots and apply on the skin mottled.

 Sumber : Yahoo

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Tips Menghilangkan Flek Hitam di Wajah

Semua wanita mendambakan kulit wajah yang bersih, bebas dari jerawat maupun flek hitam. Namun salah satu masalah yang paling sering terjadi pada sebagian besar wanita Asia, terutama yang berusia di atas 30 tahun, adalah timbulnya bintik hitam atau flek di wajah.

Pigmentasi kulit atau melasma, bisa terjadi di beberapa bagian tubuh, terutama di daerah wajah, akibat paparan sinar matahari.

Selain sinar matahari, melasma juga dapat terjadi akibat pemakaian obat hormonal, misalnya obat pencegah kehamilan. Flek juga dapat timbul akibat bekas adanya jerawat, pemakaian obat antibiotik, antiepilepsi dan antiperadangan.

Pemakaian kosmetik yang kemungkinan besar mengandung merkuri dan asam salisilat, pun dapat membuat wajah terserang flek. Karena bila digunakan terus menerus, akan menyebabkan kulit menjadi sangat sensitif terhadap sengatan sinar matahari.

Bisakah Flek Dilenyapkan?

Melenyapkan flek dari permukaan wajah, bukan perkara mudah karena membutuhkan perawatan rutin agar flek hilang dan tak muncul kembali.

Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk menghilangkan flek, mulai dari memakai masker hingga pemakaian krim pemutih (bleaching cream) yang bermanfaat untuk mencerahkan wajah.

Fungsi krim pemutih adalah untuk mengangkat lapisan tanduk pada kulit, melenyapkan komedo, melancarkan peredaran darah di bawah kulit, mencerahkan dan menambah kekenyalan kulit wajah.

Namun dengan adanya peralatan modern saat ini, flek dapat dengan cepat dihilangkan. Tapi untuk dapat melakukannya, biaya yang harus dikeluarkan pun tak sedikit.

Pertama-tama yang harus dilakukan, adalah melakukan facial. Tujuannya untuk membersihkan wajah dari sel-sel kulit mati, sehingga wajah menjadi lebih cerah serta mencegah dan mengikis flek.


- Usapkan krim pada wajah dan diamkan selama 15 menit.
- Bersihkan wajah, lalu gosok dengan menggunakan scrub untuk melenyapkan sel kulit mati.
- Cuci wajah, lalu lumuri wajah dengan masker.
- Setelah masker mengering, wajah kembali dibersihkan, selanjutnya gunakan pelembab.

Anda baru akan merasakan manfaatnya, bila melakukan facial secara rutin selama 10 kali. Tingkat keberhasilannya tergantung seberapa parah flek yang Anda derita. Bagi Anda yang memiliki kulit wajah dengan flek yang agak meluas, sebaiknya lakukan facial seminggu sekali dan dibantu dengan krim malam.

Salah satu bahan facial yang kini mulai banyak dipakai dan dianggap cukup berkhasiat membersihkan flek, adalah spirulina. Spirulina adalah ganggang laut yang sudah dikemas dalam bentuk masker semacam lumpur, fungsinya untuk mengurangi flek karena strukturnya seperti scrub. Spirulina juga tersedia dalam bentuk kapsul dan diminum sebagai suplemen.

Dengan perawatan seminggu sekali, selama sepuluh kali perawatan facial, flek akan memudar. Namun tentu saja, efeknya akan lebih memuaskan adalah anda harus rajin dan rutin melakukannya.

Melakukan Facial Sendiri, Bisakah?

Perawatan facial sebenarnya dapat Anda lakukan sendiri di rumah, asal cukup mengetahui bahan-bahan apa saja yang diperlukan. Selain menggunakan bahan-bahan masker yang dijual, Anda pun bisa melakukan facial dengan buah-buahan atau bahan alami.

Masker Bengkuang atau Mentimun

Bengkuang sejak dulu dikenal mampu mengatasi flek hitam di wajah. Begitu pun Mentimun. Anda tinggal memblendernya, lalu lumurkan di wajah agar flek hitam di wajah memudar.

Tapi gunakanlah buah-buahan yang masih segar dan kondisinya baik, sebab bila tak hati-hati, alih-alih menyembuhkan, kulit wajah Anda malah akan gatal-gatal. Jika wajah terlanjur perih dan gatal-gatal, inilah yang harus Anda lakukan:

- Oleskan tipis-tipis madu asli di wajah selama 15 menit, kemudian bersihkan dengan air hangat.
- Basuh wajah dengan air es, tepuk-tepuk perlahan dan merata sampai terasa segar.

Perawatan dengan bengkoang atau mentimun yang diblender, baik bagi Anda yang aktif bekerja di luar ruang. Efek sari bengkoang atau mentimun yang dingin, akan terasa sejuk di wajah sesaat setelah Anda memakainya.

Irisan Jeruk Nipis

Bagi Anda yang berusia di atas 40 tahun, irisan jeruk nipis yang merata di kulit wajah dan seluruh tubuh mampu mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati. Diamkan hingga kering, lalu bilaslah dengan air hangat-hangat kuku agar pori-pori terbuka. Setelah itu, bilas kembali dengan air dingin agar pori-porinya merapat.


Selain jeruk nipis, kandungan antioksidan yang terdapat di dalam teh juga baik untuk mencegah penuaan dini. Teh yang mengandung tanin sangat baik untuk mengatasi kulit yang terbakar matahari, mengencangkan bibir, merawat kulit wajah dan menghitamkan rambut. Caranya:
- Inapkan secangkir teh kental semalam.
- Oleskan air teh ke seluruh kulit wajah dan tubuh.
- Biarkan kering dengan sendirinya.
- Bilas dengan air hangat untuk membuka pori kulit, lalu bilas dengan air biasa.

Teh juga bermanfaat untuk menyegarkan mata lelah, Anda tinggal meletakkan sekantong teh celup yang sudah dingin langsung pada kelopak mata. Sambil berbaring, Anda sekaligus melakukan perawatan kulit wajah dan mata.

Hindari Toner Wajah

Saat membersihkan wajah dengan menggunakan susu pembersih di malam atau pagi hari, cukup bilas wajah dengan air bersih biasa. Anda tak memerlukan toner, astringent atau face tonik, karena pemakaiannya akan berlebihan sehingga justru mengakibatkan kulit wajah bertambah kering. Kecuali jika kulit wajah Anda berminyak.

Jika Anda rajin melakukan facial sendiri di rumah, pastikan kulit wajah Anda sudah lebih dulu dibersihakan menggunakan scrub. Perlu diingat, penggunaan bahan alami memang hasilnya tak bisa instan seperti yang dilakukan dengan laser atau lainnya di salon-salon. Tapi bila dilakukan secara rutin dan benar, hasilnya tak kalah bersihnya. Selamat mencoba!


Sebelum melakukan perawatan wajah, sebaiknya Anda kenali dulu jenis kulit Anda. Pada dasarnya kulit wajah terbagi dalam tiga jenis, yaitu:

Kulit Normal
- Biasanya di daerah T (seperti dahi, hidung dan dagu) memproduksi minyak berlebihan, pori-pori pun lebih besar dari pada bagian wajah lainnya.
- Setelah wajah dibersihkan, kulit pipi akan terasa kencang.
- Kerutan seiring bertambahnya usia akan ada di sekitar mata, dahi, dan bagian atas bibir.
- Kulit mudah terbakar sengatan matahari, sehingga terlihat kemerahan atau kecokelatan.

Kulit Berminyak
- Umumnya memiliki pori-pori besar dan berkomedo.
- Kulit wajah tampak mengkilap serta riasan mudah luntur.
- Kerutan di wajah lebih lambat ketimbang jenis kulit lainnya.

Kulit Kering

- Mudah terkelupas dan terbakar jika terkena sengatan matahari.
Di udara dingin mudah teriritasi atau gatal-gatal.
- Daerah T kadang seperti bersisik dan kulit wajah terasa kencang sesaat setelah dibersihkan.
- Kerutan lebih cepat muncul, bukan hanya pada wajah, tapi juga pada kulit tubuh lainnya.

Kulit Sensitif
- Mudah teriritasi jika kena kosmetik tertentu atau terkena paparan sinar matahari.
- Kulit umumnya kering dan terkesan "tipis" sekali.
- Kulit akan terasa kencang sesaat setelah dibersihkan.

Jika jenis kulit Anda sudah diketahui, maka perawatan dan kosmetik yang kulit wajah Anda butuhkan selanjutnya pun akan mudah mendapatkan yang cocok.

Rahasia Menghilangkan Kerutan Wajah Secara Alami

Rahasia Menghilangkan Kerutan Wajah Secara Alami Rahasia Menghilangkan Kerutan Wajah Secara AlamiBawelOhBawel.Com – Banyak wanita dan pria menginginkan wajah yang mempesona terbebas dari kerutan wajah. Karena dengan adanya kerutan pada wajah, akan menimbulkan efek yaitu kita terlihat lebih tua dari umur kita yang sebenarnya. Banyak cara dapat kita lakukan untuk menghilangkan kerutan pada wajah kita.Berikut ini merupakan Rahasia Menghilangkan Kerutan Wajah Secara Alami.
Minyak Kelapa
Memijat wajah anda dengan menggunakan minya kelapa sebelum tidur mampu dan efektif untuk menghilangkan kerutan pada wajah.
Mengoleskan perasan lemon pada wajah mampu mengurangi kerutan dan mampu menghilangkan bintik hitam pada wajah.
Haluskan daging nanas kemudian oleskan ke wajah Anda. Diamkan selama 5-10 menit. Cara ini dapat membantu mengatasi kerutan yang mengganggu penampilan.
Makanan bergizi
Pastikan menambah asupan makanan yang kaya vitamin B (telur, daging sapi, ayam dan whole wheat). Vitamin ini dinyatakan sebagai vitamin terbaik untuk kulit. Vitamin lain yang dapat berperan sebagai antioksidan dan membuat kulit terlihat lebih sehat adalah vitamin A, C dan E.

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